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Reimagine your

AI-powered tools to validate and manage your brand identity.
So you can focus on growing your vision.

Supported by:
Microsoft LogoNvidia LogoNotion LogoAWS Logo
Boost your Productivity

A more effective way to brand your business

Effortlessly turn your ideas into a fully unique and available brand in minutes.

Product Showcase

Our Features

Create, verify, and secure any brand asset imaginable.
All on one seamless platform.

AI automated system

Generate and tailor names and logos specifically to your business needs.

Availability Checking

Automatically cross-checks domains, social handles, and trademarks for unique branding.

Availability Score

Get a score on how unique and available your brand is.

Our streamlined process

AI Agent Workflow

Automate tasks like trademark searches, logo creation, and domain verification, delivering accurate results in real-time.

Knowledge Graph Construction

Maintain a knowledge graph for increased search accuracy.

Federated Learning

Learn from previous user conversations while preserving privacy.

Semantic Search Algorithms

Identify and ranks relevant branding options, matching ideas with available names, trademarks, and domains based on intent and context.

Frequently asked questions

How accurate are the results that Novation provides?
Novation’s integrated process significantly decreases the risk of your brand assets not being available. Through semantic searching and continuous improvement, Novation significantly decreases the efforts needed to create a brand and provides the peace of mind that your brand is truly yours.
How can I become a beta tester?
Thanks for your interest in Novation! Please contact to discuss interests in beta testing!
How can I become a partner or investor?
Thanks for your interest in Novation! Please contact to discuss interests in partnerships & investments!
Can I cancel my subscription?
You are free to cancel your subscription at any time you please.

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Create your brand. Own your future.